Our Commitment to our Stakeholders

Our stakeholders are our wish children, our group of staff and volunteers, our boards, our donors and our communities.

Our primary stakeholders are our wish children. Our commitment towards our wish children is to provide wish granting services of the highest quality, within a safe environment.

Our group (also called the Make-A-Wish community) is the worldwide network of affiliates, International office, volunteers, staff, and members of our various boards who give their time to work for Make-A-Wish. Our individual commitment towards our group and our external stakeholders is to respect this code of ethics and good conduct on which our Make-A-Wish culture is built.

Our donors are essential for us to provide our services. Our commitment towards our donors must be to use their funds transparently, sustainably and wisely according to their wishes.

Our communities (medical partners, our volunteers, the public at large, etc.) are important to us. Our commitment to our communities is to share the power of a wish, touch them with the joy of a life-changing experience, and to work collaboratively with them in the wish journey when appropriate.